Thursday 1 January 2015

Benefits of Surround Sound System

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Benefits of Surround Sound System
Who does not want to have the best experience they can get when they watch a movie? Of course, we want the utmost quality when we watch a movie, thus we often go to theaters. However, going often to theaters can really be expensive. This is the reason why more and more people today are now entertaining the idea of setting up their own home theater system at home. But of course, when you are planning to install one, you also need to make sure that you also install the best surround sound system there is on it. This way, you will be able to have the best movie experience possible. The use of a surround sound system and its speakers will enhance the quality of the sound that comes with the movie that you are watching. It is also used to improve the quality of the sound that accompanies video games that you are playing. There are a lot of benefits that we can get from using a surround sound system. To understand those benefits, we need to discuss its importance.

The best advantage that we can get from using surround sound is having the sense that you are in a movie theatre. Surround sound speakers will definitely help in changing the ambience of your home entertainment set-up. With this, you can watch your favorite movie at home and yet still feel as if you are watching it in cinemas. Most cinemas today are equipped with Dolby Digital surround sound systems, thus a home surround sound system and the one used in theaters are very similar. In addition, you can avoid any noisy and inconsiderate viewers that may sit beside you in cinemas.

As mentioned previously, the use of surround sound systems is not limited in improving your experience in watching a movie. It is in fact, a great help to improve your video gaming experience as well. Connect these devices to your video gaming console and you will definitely enjoy playing your favorite video game because you can hear the sound effects loud and clear. It is like being a part of the actual game when you use these surround system devices.

You think that you can only use surround sound for movies or games? If you are an avid music lover, and you just want to relax and listen to your favorite playlist, you can still use your surround sound speakers for maximum comfort in listening to your music. The amplifier and the subwoofer that come with your sound system will certainly help in enhancing your experience. The surround sound system produces an envelope of sound around the listener, which is very similar to what they use in cinemas or in movie theaters.

When you are planning to buy your own surround sound system, make sure that you choose something that is guaranteed to provide you with a high quality experience. It is true that these devices may not come at cheap prices, but investing in these devices is definitely worth the expense if you want the maximum experience you can get in watching movies.

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Thursday 11 December 2014

The Importance of Surround Sound System

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The Importance of Surround Sound System
If you are the type of a person who wants to hear great quality sound when watching your favorite movies, but you do not want to be in theatres or cinemas, investing in a surround sound system may just be the best thing to do. Many people actually dislike going to movie theaters because of the noise that may accompany them especially when they chance upon sitting beside noisy viewers. Some people also do not have the luxury of going out to watch movies every time their favorite movies are already released. Thus, they purchase their own surround sound system so that they can bring the experience, instead of going to cinemas, to the comfort of their home.

A surround sound system helps to enhance the quality of sound that we get when we watch movies, for example. Of course, the use of surround sound is not only limited to watching movies, but they can also be used when we listen to our playlist, or when we are playing video games. These devices involve several speakers, a receiver, and a subwoofer. The speakers are strategically positioned (e.g. front, left, sides, rear) where they surround the point where the listener is at. Because of this particular set-up, the listener will be able to hear the sound from practically all sides, thereby increasing the tone and quality of sound. The receivers, on the other hand, send instructions from the input device, towards the speaker. The subwoofer functions to equalize the bass of the sound coming out. If you feel as if the sound is vibrating through your bones, that would be the subwoofer doing its job.

A surround sound system depends on the effective layout of the speakers as well as the accurate calibration. With this, each speaker would be able to utilize a correct setting relative to the position of the listener in the room. Speakers that are available today usually vary according to the layout or configuration of the surround sound. The most common of these layouts includes those surround sounds with 5 speakers and 1 subwoofer. This type of layout is termed as 5.1 surround sound. There are also other forms of layout like the 6.1 surround sound system. There are similar to the 5.1 but the only difference is that they have 1 additional speaker installed. For 7.1 surround sound system, another speaker is added to the 6.1.

The recent innovations in both audio and video devices have made a huge impact in the lives of people today. From the use of devices only capable of transmitting monotonous sound, we are now able to come with up with more sophisticated devices which are capable of more complex functions and better sound quality. Truly, surround sound systems are one of the best investments that we can have for our homes. They may be pricey, but these systems are definitely worth its price as it totally improves your overall digital experience.

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David McNeely

Monday 1 December 2014

Forms and Components of a Surround Sound System

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Forms and Components of a Surround Sound System
From major movie theatres, to home theatre set-ups, gaming, arcade, and to other public areas, it is common to see the use of surround sound systems. These surround sound systems work by increasing the dimension of the sound or sound waves, thus enhancing the overall audio experience of the listener. Surround sound is different from the standard one-dimensional audio production, which is referred to as mono or Left-Right, because the former is multidimensional, usually with the use of two or three dimension. The speaker system used encircles the listener, thus immersing them in the sound. Speakers are effectively laid out with accurate calibration with the use of receiver’s set-up utility so that each of these speakers can provide the correct setting relative to the position of the listener.

A surround sound system has several components. There are, however, two major components that needs to be discussed with these systems: the speakers and the receivers. The speakers are also called channels and they are the devices where in the sound comes from. The receiver, on the other hand, is a single component that receives all of the necessary audio inputs and transfers these to the speaker or outputs. These two work hand-in-hand in order for the surround sound system or set-up to be effective in improving the overall digital experience.

Other important information that regarding surround sound system that needs to be discussed are the forms of surround sound as well as the positioning of the system. Over the course of years, there has been a lot of improvement seen in these devices. The forms of surround sound depends on the number of speakers that are being used. The important thing to note here is that the greater the channels or speakers being used in your set-up, the fuller and richer the sound is going to be, but this does not necessarily improve the quality of the sound.

A 5.1 Surround System is one of the most common forms that is being used today. These have 5 audio channels and 1 subwoofer. It normally includes Front Left, Front Right, Front Center, Low Frequency (Subwoofer), Back Left, and Back Right Speakers. You normally would want the listener to be in the center. In addition, the speakers should be arranged so that they point to the middle of the space where the listener is positioned.

Another common form of surround system is the 7.1 surround sound system. These have 7 digital audio channels and 1 subwoofer. Basically, the set-up and arrangement of these forms are quite similar to the 5.1 surround sound system. The difference is that the left side and right side speakers should be at least 90 degrees to center of the room, but still positioned on the same circle. The back and left right are placed at 130 degrees and -130 degrees respectively. There are still many more forms of surround sound systems which are being used today. These can include the 6.1 surround sound system, and older designs such as 4.1 or 4.0. The choice of which form to use depends on the space of the room and the quality demanded by the listener.

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Monday 10 November 2014

The Basics of Surround Sound Systems

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The Basics of Surround Sound Systems
When we hear the term surround sound system, we often associate this with a sophisticated device capable of producing better sound or music. This is actually true since surround sound or multi-channel systems, are entire speaker systems that encircle the listener, thus immersing him or her in the sound from the movie or any audio source. These speakers must be situated at the right positions in order to provide the immersive experience. These type of devices are actually a lot common today and we see them being used in various set-ups. Theatres, movie houses, for gaming purposes, home theatre system, and other applications all use surround sound system for an enhanced audio experience. If you are the type of a person who loves music, then these surround sound systems can surely give you top quality audio that will upgrade your enjoyment. With the effective layout of the devices as well as its accurate calibration, your enjoyment will be at its highest.

Given the fact that surround sound systems are so common nowadays, it is only logical that we know some of the basic information there is to know with these devices. Basically, in order to create a surround sound effect, you can employ any of the many available systems. The oldest and simplest way is to set up many speakers surrounding the listener. This way, the sound will come from different directions and this improves the audio experience of the listener. Another method is to combine the use of headphones with any localized audio production with psychoacoustics. The combination of these three elements results in a 3D effect of sounds. Ambisonics is just another method of creating a surround sound system where there is a reconstruction of the sound at a central point. However, you may observe that there is a gradual decline in the quality of the audio as you move away from the center.

Yet another means is by the use of WFS or Wave Field Synthesis. This method is accompanied by the use of multiple loudspeakers as well as the aid of the computer. Lastly, a popular means of creating a surround sound system today is the use of everyday devices like stereo, PC soundcards, and AV receivers.

So we have established the different means of creating a high quality audio experience. Now we need to know what type of speakers we need in order to create a surround sound system. The most common set-ups feature 3 different models: 5.1, 6.1, and 7.1. This gives you an option between having as few as five speakers to as many as 7 speakers. More speakers mean a greater ability to improve your audio-digital feel, although it does not necessarily change the quality of the sound despite the greater number of speakers. A 5.1 Surround is also referred as Matrixed Prologic II and these have 5 audio channels. 6.1 Surround, or discrete Dolby Digital EX, has 6 audio channels in its installation. Lastly, the 7.1 Surround or discrete SDDS, has 7 digital audio channels. All of these types have 1 subwoofer in its application.

Monday 3 November 2014

Surround Sound System and Its Components

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Surround Sound System and Its Components
We often hear the term surround sound system. This is especially true today because of its widespread use that includes its installation at home. Surround sound systems are a great way to enhance your home life such as watching TV, movies, listening to your playlist, or even in playing video games. These are just some of the many things we do to relax and escape the stresses in life. Imagine if all these activities are enhanced to maximum experience and comfort.  Wouldn’t that be amazing? However, there are many things that we need to know regarding these surround sound systems. To those who are not familiar with these devices, gathering basic information can prove to be rather daunting.

What is a surround sound system? It is basically technology where the sound coming out from your computer, television or other audio source devices are being split up and channeled through a number of speakers placed strategically around the room, surrounding the center of the audience. Because the speakers surrounds the listener, this set-up creates the sort of sound that we often hear in cinemas. The quality of the sound is enhanced so that when you are watching a movie, it feels like you are really in the scene. In contrast to stereos, which were the standard before and which uses only 2 speakers, a surround sound system uses at least 5 to 7 speakers positioned around the listener.

Other terminology often associated with surround sound systems is the term ‘multi-channel sound’. This term actually means that the sound coming out from source devices is split up and is being delivered through multiple audio channels or multiple speakers. The multiple speakers are then arranged from multiple positions. The sound that comes out from these speakers will then come in from different directions to the listener, thus improving the quality of the audio experience one can get.

In discussing the set-ups of these surround sound systems, it is important to note that there are different components that are used so that the system is effective in serving its purpose. One of the main components of a home theatre system is the source device. This refers to all those devices where the sound is coming from. They can be televisions, DVD players, iPods, game consoles, computers, and many more. The next component is the receiver or the amplifier. These components are the main processors of the sound. From the source device, these devices then receive the sound and channels them through the many speakers used in the system. Thus, one can say that they are the control center of the surround sound systems. Lastly, we have the output devices as part of the major components of the surround sound system. These devices pertain to the speakers placed around the center of the listener.

There are different configurations of speakers that are being used today. The most common is the 5.1 surround sound where 5 speakers are being used as well as 1 subwoofer.

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Zi Neng Ling

Saturday 1 November 2014

What is Surround Sound System?

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Surround Sound System
A surround sound system is one outstanding way of improving your overall digital experience. These systems are a great way of enhancing the way you watch movies, play games, listening to your favorite playlists, and other entertainment applications. A surround sound system is technology where the sound coming from an audio source is being split up and delivered to several speakers dispersed around the room. With this kind of set-up, you will be able to experience viewing a movie at home similar to movies in theatres. The sound of the speaker comes from different directions, thus the listener receiving all these sounds would feel the high quality of the sound. In contrast to stereos where only 2 speakers are being used, surround sound can use up to 5 to 7 speakers. This explains the quality of sound one would expect from a surround sound system.

The configuration of the speaker that you want for your room is one of the most important considerations to make if you want to set up a surround sound system in your room. Today, there is an array of the most common speaker layouts that you can choose from. The names of these layouts are often based on the number of speakers used in the set-up.

The 2.0 configuration is also known as the old stereo. This is the most basic set-up that uses two speakers at the side of your television for example. With a good amplifier and pair of speakers, they can provide a relatively good sound quality. The 2.1 layout is similar to the stereo mentioned above, but it has a subwoofer. A subwoofer is a large speaker that is dedicated to reproducing the low bass frequencies and makes a huge difference in the quality of the sound.

The 5.1 configuration is a surround sound set-up which uses 5 speakers placed all around the position of the listener to make the listener feel as if he is in the middle of the action. The speakers are placed in the left and right, center, surround left and right while the subwoofer also gets placed in a particular location. These configurations are already considered to be the most commonly used set-up in home theatres.

The 7.1 layout has a total of 8 speakers-7 speakers plus 1 subwoofer. The set-up is similar to that of the 5.1 configuration with the addition of 2 speakers placed behind your seating position. The 7.2 speaker, on the other hand, is the same with the 7.1 except that it has two subwoofers instead of one. The main reason why these surround sound systems have two subwoofers is that they can easily spread the bass frequencies around the room more evenly, thus making the sound more realistic.

Now that the lists of the different configurations and layouts have been discussed, the choice of which one to select would entirely depend on the type of room as well as the audio needs. On top of this, you also need to carefully consider the budget as these devices usually do not come at a bargain budget price.

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